How I Passed the HESI RN Exit Exam


I passed my HESI RN Exit Exam! If you want to know how I did it, keep reading. I will also Do-not-interruptshare my HESI scores with you.

HESI exams are extremely difficult. Although they are given to predict how you will do on your NCLEX exam, they are nothing like the NCLEX exam in my opinion. The questions given on the HESI exam are much different than the questions given through the NCLEX exam. I struggled with this. The NCLEX exam questions are more straight forward than what is on the HESI. I could answer NCLEX style questions all day long with ease, but the HESI questions, well, they were not done with so much ease. The HESI exam questions are designed to trick you because they want to test your critical thinking skills. If your critical thinking skills are at or below par, you will not pass the HESI exam no matter how much knowledge you have in the way of content.

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I Graduated RN School


An isolated mortarboard and stethoscope to conceptualize the medical graduate.

Well, here I am. I finally made it to the end and graduated from RN nursing school. There were many times I doubted myself and my abilities, but I kept at it, and I did it. I am so proud of myself for hanging on, although I wasn’t sure I could. Now that RN school is over, which seemed like it took forever, I am starting BSN school in a few weeks. I know, I am gluten for punishment. I am afraid to take a break, for fear I may never finish the plans I have laid out for myself.

For those of you who do not know, I have been an LPN for 22 + years. I started RN school before I ever went through LPN school, but unfortunately life and it’s happenings got in the way of me completing my RN degree until now. I wasn’t sure I would ever make it to this point. I am 45 years old with two practically grown children, so graduating with my ADN was bittersweet for me. My well laid out plan includes completing my BSN in the next year, and then going on to complete my Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner degree after that and be done with everything by the time I am 50 years old. This will still give me at the very least 15 years to work, save money, pay off bills, and retire comfortably by the time I am around 65 years old. God willing, this will still give me time to relax and enjoy the rest of my days on this earth. The only regrets that I have in all of this is not seeing the light way before I turned 4o something. It is what it is though, and I plan to make the most of it now.

I plan to continue adding things throughout the rest of my school journey in hopes of helping other students. By all means, if you have questions, do not hesitate to ask.

NUR 203 Final Exam Notecards


These are my final exam note cards for NUR 203. I also used these note cards to study for our NUR 203 HESI exam in addition to the other resources I used. I made an 83 on this final exam ending the semester in this class with a B. I couldn’t have been happier.

If you do not already know, I make these cards and then print them out on card stock paper. Once I have printed them, I cut them out and bam I have my note cards that can be carried with me wherever I go. It has worked out extremely well as a study tool. I have posted the .pdf file below. You are more than welcome to use them. You just have to get the card stock paper to print them out.

NUR 203 Final Notecards

Module A Cardiovascular Alterations ~ NUR 203


Herzkreislauf vor weiss 4These are my module A cardiovascular alterations note cards. However, there will also be another module, module D, included on this test based around sepsis, septic shock, and DIC. I have not actually made my note cards for this module yet. I will post them as soon as I get them done. This test is still a few weeks away. Since I already spent half my study time for our Respiratory module studying for this Cardiovascular, maybe I can relax a little. Surely, I will be able to make a higher grade on this test. I will let you know how it goes, but Cardio is not my forte. I do not like EKG interpretation at all.

As always, feel free to click on the link below to print your note cards.

Module A Cardiovascular Alterations

Module B Respiratory Alterations Notecards ~ NUR 203


RespiratoryThese are my respiratory alterations note cards for our module B test in NUR 203. Know your ABG’s for this one and how to distinguish between various types of Acidosis v. Alkalosis and Respiratory v. Metabolic. Additionally, know your ventilator settings, alarms, etc. and how to use one and the patho behind ARDS. This was not really a difficult test, but I stupidly answered a few questions on it without thinking about it enough. I also stupidly spent a great deal of my study time studying for our next module, cardiovascular, thinking it was on this test for some reason. If not for all of that, I am confident I could have made an A on it. Instead, I had to do remediation. Don’t make the same mistakes I did.

Please, feel free to print by clicking on the link below.

Module B Respiratory Notecards 

Module C Neurological Problems Notecards ~ NUR 203


Here are more note cards for you to use. These are the notes that I use for every test, andNeuro then at the end I already have all my notes to study for my final exam. Please, feel free to use them any way you like. Print them out on card stock paper, cut them out, and you have your own notes to study with. Click below to open the PDF version of the note cards.

Module C Neurological Notecards

Module E Emergency Management & Burns Notecards ~ NUR 203


BurnsHere are my note cards for Emergency Management & Burns. This was an extremely difficult test d/t the burns content. So, be sure to study the burns content well. It will trick you if you are not careful. I made it through. You can too. You may print the cards on card stock paper by printing the link below.

Module E Emergency Management & Burn Notecards