Tag Archives: drug calculations

Advanced IV Nursing Calculations


I have several IV dosage calculation problems that I had to do for my class. As everyone knows, I am a Dimensional Analysis girl. If it wasn’t for learning and using this method, I am not sure I would ever be able to remember all of the formulas involved in nursing calculations. I am posting the problems with my answers worked out by Dimensional Analysis. Having them posted like this allows me to take them with me wherever I go. I can even pull them up on my phone and study them like that. It makes my life so much easier. I guess everyone can tell by now that I am more of a computer person than the paper and pen type.

Learn Dimensional Analysis


Here is a video that does a great job on explaining Dimensional Analysis. Although it is talking about it for Chemistry purposes, the same principal still applies for nursing drug calculations. This is probably the best video that I have seen on explaining this method.