Tag Archives: NCLEX

How I Passed the HESI RN Exit Exam


I passed my HESI RN Exit Exam! If you want to know how I did it, keep reading. I will also Do-not-interruptshare my HESI scores with you.

HESI exams are extremely difficult. Although they are given to predict how you will do on your NCLEX exam, they are nothing like the NCLEX exam in my opinion. The questions given on the HESI exam are much different than the questions given through the NCLEX exam. I struggled with this. The NCLEX exam questions are more straight forward than what is on the HESI. I could answer NCLEX style questions all day long with ease, but the HESI questions, well, they were not done with so much ease. The HESI exam questions are designed to trick you because they want to test your critical thinking skills. If your critical thinking skills are at or below par, you will not pass the HESI exam no matter how much knowledge you have in the way of content.

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